Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Crystal River

My last post was about my first RVW rally. I'm now in Crystal River getting ready for my second rally with "the girls" that starts tomorrow. It's been a long month. A long, LONESOME month. Most of it was spent hanging out at Suncoast RV Resort in Port Richey. Suncoast is a beautiful campground with lots of pines and palms. The sunsets are spectacular. I had company for a few days in that Larrie came down for some tests on his back. I hated when he had to leave and I actually miss him a lot. I told him he needs to quit his job and either sell his house or rent it out so he can come be with me. We get along so well. Of course, I get along with everybody so there ya go.

I've turned to the internet again to try to find a man. David and I have decided that he'll never leave Delaware and so we are now just good friends. I made a trip to Jax over the weekend to get my mail and to meet with someone I met online. Real nice guy. We went out a couple times but, again, he's someone who has a job and a house and a life. Doesn't look like that will go anywhere.

I'm looking forward to next week when I travel to Melbourne for my first event in six weeks. At least it will keep me busy and I'll be making $$$$ again. Doug promises that I'll get three events a month from now on. Lets hope so as I won't be able to survive another downtime like this again.

So now I'm in Crystal River at Crystal Isles RV Resort. It has been raining all day and it suits my mood. Again, the surroundings are lovely. Lots of pines and palms and big trees with Spanish moss hanging from them. Again, the sunsets are spectacular. And again, I watch them alone.

1 comment:

Christmas said...

Your life is cool.......!!

also your Shih Tzu dogs r so cute!!!