Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I haven't made a post lately so I guess I better let everyone know I'm still breathing. Crystal River was nice and now I'm finally back to work after being off for six weeks. That was quite a hit on my finances and if it happens again, I'm going to have to look for something else.

Last week I was in Melbourne and the event there, for me, was one of the better ones as far as set up goes. My helper showed up, all the equipment showed up, and there was a BP station right across the street. I thought there could have been more traffic at the sale and they only sold about a dozen units so I was kind of disappointed in the turn out for as much traffic was on the roads going past the location.

The only glitch I had was my refrigerator finally stopped working. I called Rolling RV Repair and this dude, Charlie, is the bomb. He works all of Brevard county and he come out to your RV and fixes whatever is wrong. He also does warranty work so that's a good thing. The thing he found out was that the clicking noise on the fridge was being caused by the converter. So he wired a direct line from the battery to the fridge and it worked great until he could get in a new converter from Winnebago. Well, that came in yesterday and today he drove up to Cocoa where I am now and got me all fixed up. And the best of all is by changing out my converter, it fixed about four other problems I'd been living with. The gas portion of my water heater wouldn't work because the pilot light wouldn't stay lit. My levels center wasn't indicating right. And my lights were dimming whenever the water pump would run. Plus, once I discharged the batteries in Melbourne, I couldn't run on just battery power after that. I had to have shore power or my generator. Charlie said it was good to discharge the coach batteries every now and then so I'll try to use battery power a little bit more often from now on. If it's cool enough in the evenings, I can shut down the tent sale generator and just run off battery power for some peace and quiet. Well, as much peace and quiet as you can get living right beside a highway.

So anyway, the converter has been replaced, my levels indicator works again, the water heater works, the lights don't flicker, and now I'm curious if my radio will stop clicking off for no reason like it usually does. I'll find out later when I turn it on.

And now I'm in Cocoa. This time it took me two days to set up because 1) there was horizontal rain on Monday and 2) I had no helper. Doug called for one and LaborReady called me to tell me the man was on his way but he never showed up. But I got everything all done and it looks good. This sale is in the parking area of a flea market and there are hundreds of fire ant mounds here. Needless to say, I've gotten stung several times already so I'm not too happy about that. AND there are man-eating tiger mosquitoes here that bite the shit out of you. I have to hose myself down with Deep Woods Off when I do the inventory at night.

But there is plenty of room here at this sale which I like as it gives me room to maneuver the D2W truck for my water and diesel replenishment. I need to fill up my fresh water tank this evening as the dogs have GOT to get baths tomorrow.

So that's about it for this week.

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