Here's the picture everyone has been waiting for. This is Alan and I on our wedding day. It's so easy to get married in Florida. A tad expensive...but easy. Tuesday we went down to the circuit clerk's office in Tampa and applied for our marriage license. That was almost a hundred bucks. Then we had to wait three days. On the way back to north Tampa I was going over the things we had to do in the week.
Me: Ok, Wednesday we need to go get groceries. Thursday is the run down to the Harley dealership. Friday there's something...We went back on Friday, January 18th for the ceremony. It cost another $30 for one of the deputy clerks to perform the ceremony which took all of two minutes. No appointment necessary. Just walk in and get married. Almost as good as Las Vegas except for the three-day wait. Then we went right over to the immigration attorney's office which was in the building right across the street and handed him most of the paperwork he needed to get Alan's green card paperwork started.
Alan: Um....how about getting married?
Me: Oh yeah! THAT's what it was. I knew it was something.
Alan (rolling his eyes): You forgot didn't you.
Me: Hey! Give me a break! I'm in traffic here!
And that was it. You now have Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Alan Clarke.
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