Monday, November 24, 2008

Leaf Blowers

Who the hell invented leaf blowers????? I need to murderize the bum.

I hate those damn things. They are the noisiest pieces of machinery for their size that I have ever seen. What happened to good old fashioned rakes??

These days I'm staying in a campground that in the summer time would be very shady. But this time of year, the leaves are falling in bunches and the ground is a foot deep in leaves. There is a guy who works here at the campground who spends HOURS blowing the leaves off the roads. This dude fires that joker up at 7:00 in the morning. Then it's the constant drone of that stupid thing until he either stops for food or a piss. After his break, he starts in again. So much for peace and quiet.

And the neighborhoods!!! Everybody and their brother hires landscapers to keep their lawns in pristine shape and those dudes each have their own machine. They're like the front line of an attack force. I bet they engrave their names on the damn things. It's hell trying to talk to a customer when you're struggling to hear each other over the din of those devil machines. I just want to walk over there and stick the business end right up their asses.

Other from that, things suck. Sales here in Birmingham suck. Alan's job sucks. The cold weather sucks. I miss my house and my friends and my old job at DelState so that sucks too.

On the positive side, Mom has started her chemo and it seems to be helping her. She has more energy and she says some of the spots on her skin are clearing up. Alan has finally finished his training and is now ready for the six months of team driving. He hates truck driving but the money definitely helps.

My grandson turned 2 on November 10th. Rusty turned 7 on October 9th and my sister turned 46 on November 19th.